About Me

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Dr Jeetah was elected Member of the National Assembly in December 2003 for the first time for Constituency No.7 (Piton/Rivière du Rempart), and remained so until April 2005. Dr Jeetah was re-elected as: • Member of the National Assembly for Constituency No.11 (Vieux Grand Port-Rose Belle), in 2005 and became Minister of Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives (2005 to 2008).He became Minister of Health & Quality of Life (2008 to 2010). • Member of the National Assembly for Constituency No.10 (Montagne Blanche- GRSE)in 2010 and became Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology till 2014. Education and Qualifications: a. University of Cambridge (2002 -2003) - ACU Research Fellowship b. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) (1984-1993) • BSc (Hons) – Textile Technology • PhD – Textile Technology

Launching Ceremony of ‘Technology for Society’ at the Floreal Women Centre

Speech - On the occasion of Launching Ceremony of ‘Technology for Society’

Organized by the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre

in Collaboration with National Women Council and

Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare
It am delighted to join you for the launching ceremony of this new programme of the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre - ‘Technology for Society’.
Why this programme?
Irrespective of our educational or socioeconomic background, age or occupation, we are all very dependent on Science and Technology for our day to day activities.  Indeed, technology is already playing a dominant role in our lives and is definitely shaping our society of the future. 
It is therefore crucial that our population is aware of the benefits and drawbacks of this technology driven world so that we are all better equipped to face it and interact with it.
Life without Science and Technology
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would ask you to imagine how life would be if:
Imagine when you wake up in the morning, there is no electricity.  There is no light, you cannot use a water heater, you cannot iron clothes, you cannot listen to radio, this will disturb your daily routine.  Are you aware of amount of Science and Technology that is involved in producing your T-Shirt? Right from the source when the cotton plant is planted and  the bols harvested from the pod, to the making of  yarn in factories, the dyeing process as well as the design and making of the T-shirt, there is a lot of Science and Technology which is used at all stages. 
Imagine how life would be without a telephone… This small apparatus that we tend to take for granted today, is one of the revolutionary inventions of mankind.  The large cumbersome telephone that we had in the past, has evolved into the slim mobile smart phones that we possess today.  Science and Technology has made all this progress possible.  What was previously a luxury for some, is now almost a basic necessity for everyone.   “Smart-phones”, little portable computers that have everything in one device : accesses the internet, have GPS, compass, games, video and still camera,  music player and F|M Radio, etc. 

As you can see, Science and Technology have a predominant place in our life: If today we can watch football matches live on TV, It is thanks to Science and Technology.  Fiber optics have revolutionized communications. These hair-thin pieces of glass or plastic can stretch thousands of miles under the oceans to connect continents, and can carry telephone, television, and computer communications in the most efficient with the  lowest cost possible. We now have communication at our finger tips.  I wonder what more is to come in the next ten years!

Let us leave all that alone.  Let us consider food production.  Whether we buy fast foods, processed foods or cook our own healthy “manzé Lacaze” we are using the products & tools of science and technology all along the line.
What is Technology?
Technology is an application of science for a specific purpose, to solve a problem for example.  Technology and science work hand-in-hand to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem.
From the examples, I have mentioned above, we see that we apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to extract materials, we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, in business and so much more.  Our life would be impossible without technology. Just name it: Tooth brushes, toothpastes, microwaves, light bulbs, refrigerators, mobile phones, agriculture, cars, games just name it and you will find the presence of technology.  Technology involves tools, materials in the home and systems devices made possible by developing scientific ideas and moving from theory to practice..
Drawbacks of Technology
If technology is well applied as most of it is, it can benefit humans.  However, if it is wrongly applied or used, it can cause harm to human beings.  Therefore, it is our duty to understand some aspects of technology to prevent misuse and to protect ourselves, our families and society. 
Overuse or misuse of certain equipment may lead to health problems for example radiation from telephones, microwaves, medical equipment, etc. 
Some Scientists have argued that too much dependence on technology for doing our work may change the way our brain functions.
Responsibility at Home
Therefore, as parents it is crucial what we understand some aspects of technology so that we can protect our families and guide our children in the right direction.  Women are the pillars of the home and you are in the right place to dispense education and best practices to your children and other members of the family. 
Interesting Facts on Science and Technology on Science and Technology at Home
Dear Ladies, I understand that the workshop today will be around the theme ‘Home appliances’.
Let me share some interesting facts with you
The  Microwave – an accidental invention
The microwave oven was inadvertently invented in 1946 by engineer Percy Spencer. Spencer, who was working at the Raytheon Corporation on a radar project, happened to be standing near a device that emits microwave radiations. He had a bar of chocolate in his pocket and noticed after some time of standing next to the machine, that the chocolate had melted.
He focused the microwaves into a metal box and the microwave was born. Although it took 11 years for a domestic version to be introduced to the public, the microwave has now become one of the most common kitchen appliances available.
The Potato Chips –invented by an annoyed chef
In 1853, a chef named George Crum unintentionally invented the potato chip. 
Annoyed with a patron who constantly sent back French-fried potatoes because he felt they were too thick and soggy, Crum decided teach the picky customer a lesson.
Crum sliced a new batch of potatoes as thin as he possibly could, and then fried them until they were hard and crunchy. To top them off, he doused the chips with salt thinking the customer would hate them. To his surprise, the customer loved the new chips and they quickly became a popular item at the lake house and throughout New England.
Did You Know?
The nutrition enrichment ingredients in baby food were discovered during NASA sponsored research for sending humans in space.  
17 July 1902:  Air conditioner
Willis Haviland Carrier completed drawings for what came to be recognized as the world's first scientific air conditioning system

17 July 1790:  Sewing Machine
 In 1790, Thomas Saint, a London cabinet maker, patented possibly the first sewing machine, fitted with an awl that makes a hole in leather and allows a needle to pass through it.
Note of Thanks
This is why my Ministry if fully supporting this laudable initiative of the RGSC and I wish to thank the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare and the National Women Council for collaborating the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre for such types of Activities.
On this note, I wish to thank you for your attention and I wish you a fruitful workshop.

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