About Me

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Dr Jeetah was elected Member of the National Assembly in December 2003 for the first time for Constituency No.7 (Piton/Rivière du Rempart), and remained so until April 2005. Dr Jeetah was re-elected as: • Member of the National Assembly for Constituency No.11 (Vieux Grand Port-Rose Belle), in 2005 and became Minister of Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives (2005 to 2008).He became Minister of Health & Quality of Life (2008 to 2010). • Member of the National Assembly for Constituency No.10 (Montagne Blanche- GRSE)in 2010 and became Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology till 2014. Education and Qualifications: a. University of Cambridge (2002 -2003) - ACU Research Fellowship b. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) (1984-1993) • BSc (Hons) – Textile Technology • PhD – Textile Technology

‘A University in the North’

A site visit has been effected this morning at Beau Plan (Pamplemouses) for the construction of a university in the north. A site of 60 acres has been identified and procedures are on the way for early next year.

‘Meeting PTA President of schools in my constituency’

I met with the president of the Parent Teacher’s Association of schools in my constituency, the region of Montagne Blanche/GRSE to discuss on CPE results.

‘Visite de courtoisie’

 Jean Grelon, prêtre et détenteur de trois doctorats, notamment en Ecologie végétale, Droit Civil et Droit Canonique, a rendu une visite de courtoisie au Dr Rajesh Jeetah, ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche, la Science et la Technologie, le vendredi 24 décembre dernier. Le professeur Jean Grelon a enseigné dans plusieurs universités de France et les grandes écoles. Il a une carrière très riche dans l’enseignement. Lors des discussions, Jean Grelon a signifié son intention d’agir comme mentor pour les étudiants Mauriciens dans la méthodologie de la recherche au niveau de leurs masters et leurs doctorats. Le professeur Grelon a réitéré son soutien pour une collaboration future entre les instituts éducatifs.

‘People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.‘

‘Gift Giving Ceremony at Pont Lardier’

I was at ‘Pont Lardier’ Women Centre for a ‘Gift Giving Ceremony’ for the children of the region in the context of end of year activities.